5 Tips to Start your Fitness Journey

While many of us aspire to have a trim, healthy and flexible body, it can be challenging to take action to achieve our goals.

Sometimes, it is not our physicality that sets us back, but mental barriers & poor planning.

Here are some tips for you to restart your fitness journey:


You know yourself best. What are some ‘easy’ goals that you can set for yourself this week? Here are some suggestions:

  • Find and try out a new class that interests you

  • Aim to learn a new skill/exercise/pose this month

  • 10 mins meditation to start your day

  • Invite a friend to join a fitness class together

  • Follow a fitness instagram page

  • Envision the body & state of mind you dream of - journal it!

  • Take the stairs to your office at least 1x a week

  • 1 healthy meal per day

  • No sugar for a day


It is not just important to keep promises to other people, but also to yourself. Don’t ever shortchange yourself.

When you make a goal, make sure you write it down to remind yourself of the dream that you are going to make happen! If you are comfortable, share it with a loved one, a friend or colleague so that they can keep encouraging you & reminding you to keep going.

Whenever you hit a goal, reward yourself! You have worked hard for this. Positive reinforcement will ensure that you continue to set healthy goals & reach them.

Some people are more ‘visual’ and may prefer to take before and after photos. Do whatever works for you!

You may be surprised at how many people around you share the same goals. Take some time to find a friend or community who also want to feel better in their body. Try searching and following hashtags on IG like #yogakl or #fitspo to find likeminded people.


While we are all for treating and rewarding yourself, be careful to invest in action items rather than just buying things that make you feel good for awhile.

That new set of fitness gear might make you feel different immediately, but it cannot compare to the sense of accomplishment after completing a run or a yoga class. Make sure you invest wisely in what gives you the returns you aim for!

Pay for the healthy glow you have after working out, pay for the increased metabolism you enjoy for the rest of the day after working out, pay for feeling youthful and strong. These will add more to your life than a new outfit!


Consistency is key. Now that you’ve started on your journey, how do you keep going?

It is all about making your new goals part of your lifestyle. Work your new habits around your current schedule so it is sustainable. Make being a fit & healthy person part of your identity.

Inspire others to join you on your journey. Share your little wins on social media or when chatting with your friends. One of the best motivators is when you teach & inspire others! That in turn inspires you to be a better version of yourself.

Put in active effort in maintaining a community of likeminded people around you. Even on your ‘down’ days, they will be there to pick you up.

Most importantly, constantly remind yourself of the WHY behind the start of your journey -

WHY are you here?

How do you want to feel?

How do you want to look?

What do you want to achieve for yourself?

How far have you come?

What keeps you going?

It may help to write this down and keep it somewhere you can always see it, like your phone wallpaper.


Try using positive reinforcement instead of negative reinforcement. Avoid shaming yourself and comparing yourself to others - instead, use healthy and positive words to encourage yourself and congratulate yourself for each milestone you reach!

If you struggle with self-deprecating talk or feelings of inadequacy, try meditating to calm and recenter your state of mind. Try our ‘Recharge’ class on weekends to learn how to start a meditation practice.

Get out of your head and into your body! Don’t mope around scrolling on Instagram comparing yourself to others - instead, get out there and take action. Book yourself into a class. Talk to other positive, healthy people.

Note that loving yourself does not necessarily mean indulging yourself in bad habits. In the same way you wouldn’t allow your child to eat junk food or lie around all day watching TV because it isn’t good for them, know what is good and not so good for yourself.

Treating yourself is okay, but it is another thing to build a chain of bad habits.

Speak to yourself the same way you would speak to a loved one!

Now that you are equipped with 5 new tools to start your fitness journey, you are ready to begin effecting change in your life! Invest in yourself today, it is definitely worth it.

Need more help or encouragement? Feel free to reach out to us via WhatsApp (+6017 210 3691), Instagram (@ommosapiens) or e-mail (hello@ommosapiens.com) if you need someone to speak to. Good luck on your journey!


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